Multivendor Events

Over the past ten years, our IT Security Day in German-speaking Switzerland has established itself as the largest cybersecurity channel event in Switzerland.

Every year, we welcome more than 200 guests live on site and, together with our manufacturers, lead them through a day packed with exciting discussions, panels and presentations on the world of IT security, accompanied by a social programme.  In addition to the content formats, we also hold a vendor fair at every IT Security, where all participating manufacturers can present themselves with their stand and their news and updates throughout the day.

Speak directly and personally to your partners and potential customers, network with important decision-makers and present yourself to the “Who’s Who” of the Swiss channel at this event.


Onsite Formate

Whether it’s a barbecue evening, enablement training, alpaca trekking or a food truck on your focus partner’s doorstep – our range of events leaves nothing to be desired. Innovative, reliable and forward-looking, we create an individual partner event concept for you and implement it from A to Z.

With our event formats, you not only appeal to your customers, but also generate memorable memories and successful networking for sustainable lead generation.   We would be happy to put together your individual onsite event.

Online- and Hybrid-Events

Save time and travel costs and contact your target group via online event formats in a compact yet personal way. With our webcasts and online trainings, we address exactly the target group that will benefit from your news and pick up the partner directly at his workplace.

Whether a webinar from your desk, a multimedia webcast streamed live from our Infinigate studio or a hybrid format with culinary accompaniment directly to your partners’ doorstep – we design your online event so that content and event experience are equally convincing.

Infinigate Webinar

Convince your partners live and compact via webinar: conception and creation via Infinigate webinar platform, invitation and participant management, webinar hosting, lead transfer.

Infinigate Webcast

Whether news update, mini-training, interview or panel discussion, use our professional webcast experience in studio format: Speak to your target group via live streaming from our Infinigate Mini Studio.

Dynamic multimedia backdrops and professional moderation concepts turn your webinar into a professional webcast in the style of a TV broadcast. Services: Webcast conception, set and studio construction, moderation support by our Infinigate specialists, live stream to your target group, invitation and participant management, lead transfer.


We are happy to enhance your online event with a thematically appropriate culinary accompaniment or a customer gift.

We deliver exactly to the customer’s doorstep and thus create more event experience in the home office or office. For our hybrid concepts, we will be happy to provide you with a separate offer and combine it with an online format of your choice.

Partner Food Truck

Would you like to address your focus partners in a targeted manner? Why not visit them with the food truck and network with their contacts over lunch right outside their office door.

Our food truck partners inspire with innovative concepts from savoury to dessert to aperitif truck. Whether mezze, tapas or Asian style – we will find the right thing for your special signature partner lunch on site.

Digital Communication

Impulse Newsletter

Our Impulse newsletter is aimed at 3400 subscribers in German-speaking Switzerland and 1500 subscribers in French-speaking Switzerland. Our subscribers consist of channel partners in the specialised trade and reseller environment. The Impulse Newsletter is sent out every even calendar week and informs our partners about the latest solutions, promotions and updates from our vendor portfolio. Inform our partners in a compact and targeted way with your news.

Data & Traffic

With an open rate of 28%, our Impulse newsletter is well above the industry average. This guarantees you a much lower scattering loss than with formats from other providers. Our address data is regularly updated, adapted and enriched so that we can offer you a high-quality database. The newsletters are written in a compact format to allow a high visibility of your contribution.

Services: Infinigate subscriber database, graphic design, copywriting, newsletter creation, editing, tracking.

Special Newsletter

Would you like more content and details for a more limited target group? With pleasure: In order to inform our partners with exactly the detailed information they need, in addition to the wide-ranging Impulse Newsletter, they can also subscribe to only individual manufacturer newsletters from us. With a Special Newsletter, you reach exactly the target group that runs your portfolio and can go into detail with a higher content volume or play multiple themes.
Services: Infinigate subscriber database, graphic design, copywriting, newsletter creation, editing, tracking.

Direct Mailing

Dedicated content – dedicated target group: With our direct mailings, which we send from our personal mailboxes to our direct contacts, you benefit from a very high awareness of your focus topic. Inform your target group directly and precisely about their news – via their personal Infinigate account. It should be noted here that we only carry out direct mailings in a very targeted and well-dosed manner in order to spare our customers’ inboxes and not dilute our business correspondence.

Services: Infinigate subscriber database, graphic design of advertising material, copywriting, proofreading, research & correspondence, traffic evaluation.

Infinigate Website Marketing

In addition to your dedicated manufacturer page, which we provide as a free service and which we always maintain with the latest content, you have the opportunity to target all our website visitors (230/day) navigating through our main page via our teaser boxes. Book one of our four teaser boxes and benefit from a prominent placement of your current focus topic on the Infinigate home page.
Services: Infinigate Web Reach, Graphic and Web Build, Tracking

solutions and services


Emotional and inspiring? Specific and professional? Whether partner event, product highlight or your incentive at the end of the quarter: We design your landing page, precisely and creatively to your theme and ensure with our design and graphics know-how that the visitor is not only addressed, but interacts.

Services: Infinigate website reach, graphic preparation of advertising material, copywriting, website creation, tracking.

Social Media

Organic Posts

With regular posts, selected formats and targeted content, we have been maintaining our LinkedIn channel for 3 years and have 2500 followers throughout Switzerland. As part of our digital communication, we include your topics in the form of compact posts on our channel and play them out to our followers. If possible, we refer to further Infinigate channels on this topic or, if you wish, to your website.

Services: Graphic creation of the advertising material, texting, post, maintenance & tracking.

Targeting Campaigns

In recent years, LinkedIn has become the most successful social media platform in the B2B environment. What digital banners and advertorials achieved a few years ago, you can now achieve via targeted LinkedIn marketing. On average, the Swiss spend 0.5 hours a day on LinkedIn. The algorithm is developing more rapidly than any other in this environment and is continuously developing new target group analyses and targeting options. With LinkedIn Paid Campaigns, we create a professional social media campaign for you based on multimedia content and play it out to the selected target group in a precisely defined period of time. The reach of these campaigns is impressive and continues to develop.

Services: Campaign conception and consulting, campaign creation, graphic preparation of advertising material, copywriting, campaign support, campaign adjustment, evaluation & tracking.

Full Funnel Targeting

Brand awareness is the basic, but leads are the goal? We see it the same way. Nevertheless, it is often a challenge to go beyond broad branding via social media, even with targeting campaigns. For this reason, we develop dedicated multi-stage full funnel campaigns for you, in which your target group is addressed with the dedicated content in the first step and all interacting persons are contacted with further call-to-actions in the second step. This way we narrow down your campaign target group further with each step and in the end get exactly the leads we need; on your website, at your webinar or across the table from you.

Services: Campaign conception and consulting, campaign creation, graphic preparation of advertising material, copywriting, campaign support, campaign adjustment, evaluation & tracking.

Content Marketing

Dry topics, complicated content, boring message? Not with us! With our content marketing formats, we bring momentum into the cybersecurity landscape and bring your topics exactly to the people who need to know about them in exactly the language that their target group speaks and understands.

Success Story (written)

With a success story, we focus on a successfully implemented case of yours. Together with the partner and you, we define an exciting customer project, conduct the corresponding interviews and prepare a success story with a length of 2-4 pages. In this way, we reduce the client’s inhibitions and build trust in your competence.

Video Success Story

Videos convey messages in a particularly catchy way and have the highest click rates in the social media environment. We transform your customer project into a convincing video that both focuses on your expertise and markets your brand in an emotionally effective way


Position yourself on the web as a “thought leader”, as a professional in your focus area, whose know-how customers can trust and who knows the respective topic better than anyone else. Let the industry know that you, as an innovator, always have your finger on the pulse of your topics and offer solutions that provide your customers with tangible benefits. Services: Partner research, interview, content research, copywriting, graphic editing, proofreading.


Your solution needs explaining, the next focus topic is difficult to explain clearly? Together with you, we shoot video series with short sequences in the form of “How to’s” or short interviews and thus bring your topic exactly to the point in short crisp videos. Services: Coordination, research partner and location, storyboard, video shoot, video editing and finalisation incl. three feedback loops.

Merchandising & Give aways

Useful, fashionable or humorous – stay in the partner’s mind with your individually branded gadgets. We advise you on suitable campaign-accompanying giveaways or look for original merchandise items for sustainable brand awareness.  Our ideas are colourful, our possibilities diverse – just ask us.

Marketing team

Our portfolio of services for partners

Partner Enablement

Smart Data

Managed Services

Support and Maintenance

Professional Configuration and Installation

Vendor Accredited Training

Global Logistics