Delivering actionable intelligence   

Extended Detection and Response (XDR) is the process of creating centralised, actionable intelligence based on all the data that is flowing through your end points so that you can respond faster to threats, reduce false positives, and understand what has been compromised – and how it has been compromised.  

The actionable intelligence delivered by the new Cato XDR and Endpoint Protection (EPP) security tools provides the insights needed to quickly identify and remedy threats and vulnerabilities – and improve how you set up your security perimeter going forward. 

Improved visibility for a proactive approach to cybersecurity   

For many organisations, a lack of visibility into their entire IT footprint means they are reactive to security threats. 

Cato XDR integrates and correlates data from various endpoints, including networks, email, and cloud environments, to provide a more comprehensive, ‘single pane of glass’ view of an organisation’s security posture. This enables faster and more accurate detection of advanced threats and attacks. 

All the telemetry from the different sensors in the platform – including the Cato EPP module – is fed into a single data lake. Cato-crafted AI and ML then starts analysing the data to significantly enhance the quality of alerts, messages and logs that come into the system.  

Importantly, automating this trends analysis saves IT teams a huge amount of time.  

The data lake looks at all the telemetry in that region, and shares insights and in-depth threat intelligence from other regions in the Cato solution.  

Having all these different monitoring points feeding into the data lake gives the various algorithms a huge amount of data to work with to create correlations and validate that they are real and not false.  

A holistic view of your overall cyber health 

A lot of organisations base their security response policy on responding to alerts with the highest CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) rating, not knowing that putting off dealing with some of the medium and low alerts leaves vulnerabilities related to privilege escalation.  

Having additional visibility and insight into what is really going on in your environment is critical for organisations on their journey to greater resilience and cybersecurity maturity.  

A magic bullet for threat hunting  

The digital transformation process has changed the nature of IT work, with many organisations moving away from having specialists to operating in a more generalist fashion. 
For businesses starting their cyber maturity journey, a lack of skilled resources and information overload are significant barrier for taking cybersecurity seriously.  

XDR acts as a magic bullet for threat hunting. It gives you visibility and correlation into exactly what is going on in your environment when you do not have a team of people to manually trawl through all the data.  

And no matter how good your SOC staff might be, there is always the potential to miss something during heavy events. Having an AI-powered XDR tool doing that correlation in the background for you means that you can focus on the important security threats, rather than being lost in a sea of noise.  

One of the big advantages of the Cato SASE platform is that you have a single interface where you control everything – including one tab to do all your monitoring. And when the platform can capture everything that is going on in your environment, the quality of data is really high. 

“Having an AI-powered XDR tool doing the correlation in the background for you means that you can focus on the important security threats, rather than being lost in a sea of noise.” 

Faster, more efficient remediation   

The new Cato XDR module takes a lot of the: ‘what is going on?’ element out of the remediation cycle which enables a much faster and more efficient response.  

An administrator can log into a Cato environment and through the XDR stories dashboard very quickly – and without the need to be a cybersecurity expert – completely understand what is going on during a breach or even look at the information and realise that there is a potential vulnerability before they get their annual PEN test. 

You can immediately spot what the origination vector of a particular threat or attack is, and you have a lot of visibility as to where it might have spread to.  

Whilst you are resolving problems with your end points, the Cato platform gives you the ability to easily quarantine the compromised systems or manage your exposure to the vulnerability from a network perspective with just a couple of clicks. 

Having that full story from initial detection to remediation is an enormously powerful tool when it comes to being able to secure your environment and making sure business can continue uninterrupted.  

“You are taking a lot of the: ‘what is going on?’ element out of the remediation cycle which enables a much faster and joined-up response.” 

A fully integrated toolset that adds value straight away  

Because XDR and EPP are fully integrated in the Cato SASE platform and not standalone products, you can simply turn on the capability. Within a few days you have visibility of exactly what is happening within your environment, and you can start acting on the insights that are being delivered. 

This means these tools deliver real value for customers straight away, without the time and budget needed to integrate them with a customer’s various systems.  

Help customers move up the cybersecurity maturity index  

The increased visibility and actionable insights gained from Cato’s enhanced XDR and EPP capabilities provide partners with an opportunity to help customers move up the cybersecurity maturity index and get more involved with their customers cybersecurity footprint and influence future strategic purchasing decisions.  

There is also a managed service opportunity in enabling the new functionality and conducting regular cybersecurity reviews with the customer based on the insights delivered.  

Find out more 

If you want more information on XDR and EPP, or if you’re new to Cato and want to find out more, the Cato team at Infinigate would be more than happy to help. Email today to set up a call.

Infinigate are here to accelerate your Cato journey, by providing prompt quoting and pre-sales support through our Cato expert team. Partners receive assistance for scoping, qualification calls, and POC processes, gaining access to dedicated lab environments.

For Business Development supports, the team facilitates Sales Enablement sessions, collaborates on marketing campaigns, and assigns marketing managers for strategy and campaign support. This collaborative approach empowers partners and drives effective marketing efforts within the Cato ecosystem.

Dean Watson
Lead Solutions Expert – Secure Networking at Infinigate.