Professional services & support

Our dedicated team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for professional services and support as part of our “PRO” programme.

They will be by your side every step of the way. Whether it’s closing performance or capacity gaps or simply finding the best solution option, our cloud experts are here for you.

Subject matter experts, ready to help your customers

We appreciate that you won’t always have the right skills internally to support every customer with every product, or to tailor solutions which deliver integrations that set you apart. The dedicated Infinigate Cloud technical support team is available 24*7, and our subject matter expects are here to help you create the right solutions for your customers – and deliver them with you if needed.

Technical Pre-Sales Advice is a complimentary service that we provide to assist with apps and infrastructure. Professional services can be delivered as Infinigate Cloud, or, white-labelled and delivered under your name.

With over 1,800 reviews, it’s clear our support and professional services consistently exceed the requirements of our partners.

A strong portfolio of managed services

In addition to the wide range of Technical Pre-sales and Professional Services offerings, we provide and deliver a portfolio of Managed Services that you can resell. Our Managed Services can free up your engineers and architects from mundane tasks such as backup monitoring and management, allowing them to focus on higher value solution delivery.

All Infinigate Cloud Partners have access to these services, and access to our 24*7 technical support is available from day one

Marketplaces and integration

Our CORE marketplace and integration platform utilises state-of-the-art technology to ensure our partners are always in control: You can integrate your systems, reduce complexities and streamline operational processes.

Still not sure?

We would be delighted to arrange a no obligation introductory meeting to understand your needs and discuss some ideas and options!

Our Infinigate Cloud team will be happy to support you with your sales enquiries, pre-sales topics or planned marketing activities.