Become a Vendor To sustain this impressive growth, we bring together leading-edge technology vendors and resellers with ambitious growth plans and effective routes…
Partner with us Based on in-depth consultancy, account management and technical support, and partner enablement tools, we can help you identify high-margin opportunities,…
Partner with us Based on in-depth consultancy, account management and technical support, and partner enablement tools, we can help you identify high-margin opportunities,…
CyCognito CyCognito is a revolutionary external attack surface management platform, designed to help organisations identify and reduce risk in profound new ways. CyCognito empowers companies to take full control of their external attack surface by uncovering and eliminating the critical security risks they didn’t even know existed. Their mission is to build the next-generation security risk assessment product category: solutions that autonomously discover, enumerate, and prioritise each organisation’s security risks based upon a global analysis of all external attack surfaces, and attack vectors that a real attacker would likely exploit. Analyst recognition CyCognito named large vendor in Forrester External Attack Surface Management (EASM) report Demo The CyCognito platform gives you an immediate overview of the security posture of your subsidiaries. It identifies the attack surfaces and the effectiveness of their security controls, without requiring any deployment or configuration. Become a CyCognito partner Discover our technologies