Become a Vendor To sustain this impressive growth, we bring together leading-edge technology vendors and resellers with ambitious growth plans and effective routes…
Partner with us Based on in-depth consultancy, account management and technical support, and partner enablement tools, we can help you identify high-margin opportunities,…
Partner with us Based on in-depth consultancy, account management and technical support, and partner enablement tools, we can help you identify high-margin opportunities,…
Phishing WatchGuardCurrent Affairs / CampaignsAnti-PhishingWebshopThreatSync + NDR Phishing, i.e. phishing Phishing attacks continue to be a major concern for businesses of all sizes. However, the good news is that with a little phishing training and multiple layers of protection, it is possible to protect your organization from phishing attacks. The most common phishing attack is when a criminal sends an email pretending to be someone or something they are not in order to extract sensitive information from targets. Defense against phishing attacks, prevention programs have four parts: protection, training, evaluation and reporting. Protecting against phishing calls for a multi-layered approach to data security aimed at keeping users safe on the Internet. Välineitä kalastelun torjuntaan Haitallisten lähtevien DNS-pyyntöjen valvonta ja estäminen, jotta työntekijät eivät pääse huonoille sivustoille epäilyttävien linkkien kautta. Skannaustyökalut, joilla varmistetaan, että haitalliset tiedostot eivät pääse verkon läpi ja päätelaitesuojaus (EPDR), joka pystyy havaitsemaan ja poistamaan haittaohjelmat pilvihiekkalaatikkoratkaisut, joiden avulla voidaan “räjäyttää” epäilyttäviä tiedostoja emuloidussa virtuaaliympäristössä, joka jäljittelee aitoa päätepistettä haitallisen tarkoituksen paljastamiseksi. Monivaihetodennus (MFA), joka suojaa toisena henkilönä esiintymistä ja tunnistetieto varkauksia vastaan. WatchGuard offers several security solutions for malware detection and removal Our WatchGuard team will be happy to help you. WatchGuard Authpoint MFA solution (download 30-day demo) WatchGuard Endpoint Protection EPDR (download 30-day demo) WatchGuard APT Blocker protects against zero-day threats WatchGuard XDR, detects and reacts from the network environment to end devices. Were you interested? take contact: Our WatchGuard team will be happy to help you. Mark Malanin,, sales director Emma Mussalo,, sales and marketing Kimmo Pohjoisaho,, technical support