Infinigate B.V.
Savannahweg 71H, 3542 AW

Phone: +31 (0) 85 744 2500

VAT Reg No:
Company Number: 23061574
Managing Director: Raymond van Kasteel

Liability for Content:
Although we strive to ensure that the content of our web pages are current, complete and correct, we cannot assume any liability.  We are liable for our own content on our web pages. However, we are not obliged to control third-party information that has been transmitted or stored. We will remove any infringing content as soon as possible after learning its infringement. However, any liability can only be assumed after the point in time of having learned of the infringement.

Liability for Links:

Our web pages contain links to external, third-party web sites. As we have no influence on the content of these linked web sites, the sole responsibility lies with their respective providers or operators. We cannot assume any liability for this content. We review the content of third-party web pages looking for infringements and will only link to these if no infringements are apparent. We cannot constantly check the content of third-party web sites without concrete evidence of an infringement. Should we become aware of an infringement, we will immediately remove links to these web pages.