Partner Enablement services At Infinigate, we believe that your IT distributor should be able to give you all the answers – and that’s…
Partner with us Based on in-depth consultancy, account management and technical support, and partner enablement tools, we can help you identify high-margin opportunities,…
DDoS and DNS With DDoS and DNS attacks, hackers and other malicious players attempt to disrupt network operations by bombarding a business with messages over the internet. It’s true that most internet service providers have solutions for preventing this kind of attack – but these can be ineffective for SMEs and enterprises, and particularly those with a significant web presence or online delivery model. We help organisations minimise a negative impact from DDoS and DNS attacks with multi-faceted solutions for identifying and blocking traffic designed to overwhelm applications, protocols or entire networks. These ensure that any attack can be identified and neutralised quickly – and that normal operations continue without interruption. Discover our vendors